Making all your dreams come true!.






Crashing Hollywood one script at a time. Don't judge your future successes by what is materializing in your life at the moment. Rather focus on what you are doing today that will create the future payoff.


When I sold my first screenplay I felt a great sense of accomplishment even though it was a small deal, it was a start and I'm hoping that this will be the domino that starts the chain reaction.  So, I guess it's true that perseverance eventually pays off.  What I've learned most from this experience is that we can't control when we sell.  We can only control whether or not we give up.


A working screenwriter once told a group of us that we are only 100 pages from a great career.  Also, Jeff Arch personally told me that I was the highest concept of all.  I think about that every time I want to quit.  Feel free to borrow any of those for your own motivation and inspiration because it's so true.  My screenwriting mentor told me that those who make it are the ones who kept showing up.


I’ve created this book to give you encouragement, motivation and some tools to help you to realize your own screenwriting dream of having sold a screenplay or two and to one day see that movie on the big screen. 


So dive in and learn everything you need to transform the stories in your head into saleable screenplays...the cliff’s note version.


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“Another big (huge, actually) thank you for reading my script, Natasha. Your notes and thoughts were beyond helpful. I'm doing (yet another) revise and this time I know it's going to go a lot smoother because of your help. You're the bee's knees, lady!”


Margo Candela

Underneath It All, Life Over Easy, More Than This, Goodbye to All That

Click here to visit Inside Secrets to an iPhone App.

In writing my first animation spec script I was at a loss for direction in the process.  Natasha not only gave me thoroughly detailed notes to follow, but added insightful corrections and suggestions throughout my script.  She is also very approachable, and her concern is charismatic and unique in a business where it’s not so easy to find genuine help.  Natasha offers a very selfless, personal, guidance to screen writers.


Lona Mae Shaskan

Motogalactic Monster Book Series


New Script Consulting's analysis of my screenplay was very thorough, very in-depth and very helpful. The suggestions they had made absolute sense and I believe really helped my script go from 'good' to 'saleable'. After applying the changes they suggested, my script garnered interest from a major Hollywood producer. I couldn't be happier!"

Gemma Halliday
Spying in High Heels, Scandal Sheet, The Perfect Shot